When I realised this morning that I had fdk I just about flipped, and then when I realised who'd given me fdk, I did! laugh

/me talks himself down. I'm cool. I'm calm. cool

I'm collected.


Thanks for the fdk wink

Yes, the threat of telling Wendy forced my hand - I knew she'd tell me to post. Who can say 'no' to Wendy? :p

Another story? More?

Uh... the dog ate my keyboard! goofy

/me should have known he couldn't get away with posting one and riding off at midday because he couldn't wait for sunset

I might be persuaded - which actually means I'm already halfway there, have thought of a premise and started planning - but someone owes me a completed WIP first. *cough*Giggles*cough*

It's a good thing Sorcha didn't say which birthday wink

/me promises to write a lighter one *if* he ever writes another.

- David (ApparantlyAWriterNow)

'I just kind of died for you;
You just kind of stared at me'
- Aurora, Foo Fighters