I'm surprised GW is listed [and I haven't looked at this particular list but have looked at many like it over the last several years]. Clinton has only been on the lists I've seen in the last 2-3 years. It's too soon to know whether Bush was a good president, a bad one or somewhere in between. We know what we think right now, but let's face it, it's probably based on very incomplete information because we *aren't* privy to everything he was and I really don't think we'd want to be. Barring complete meltdown in the Middle East that is directly traceable to him [as opposed to some other reason - like there's never truly been peace in the region], I think he will rise in the ranks as time gives us perspective, but that's MHO smile . Bill Clinton wasn't entirely responsible for the economy of the 90s and Bush isn't entirely responsible for the current one [iirc it was Clinton/friends who pushed for the subprime mortgages in the first place but don't quote me on that as I can't readily put my hands on the articles etc]. Presidents aren't kings and have to work with Congress and others to get things done.

As for FDR... Only a year or so after FDR's fourth inauguration and subsequent death, Dems in Congress put forth the 22nd Amendment calling for limits of 2 terms [or 10 years total if one took over for another president]. /shrug/ Read into that what you will... Of course, HR 5 this year calls for the repeal of it, but that's another issue all together wink .
