Let me say a few more words about George W. Bush. He invested so much of his energy and efforts into the Iraq war. If Iraq turns into a long-term success story, and it still might, then future generations may think highly, maybe even very highly, of George W. Bush's international relations. (Please note, however, that if the situation in Iraq permanently stabilizes while the overall situation in the Middle East keeps deteriorating, then future generations may say that Bush spent billions of dollars and a few thousand American lives solving the wrong problem.)

What about George W. Bush's handling of the American economy? The economy took an extremely sharp downturn on Bush's watch. During Clinton's presidency the economy soared. The historians rate Clinton as the third best President ever when it comes to economic management, whereas they place George W. Bush at number three from the bottom of the list.

Yes, future generations may look at George Bush's international relations so much more favorably than many people do today. But in my opinion, there is little chance that future generations will ever give George W. Bush's economic management a passing grade.
