Originally posted by Lisamaree, the Evil Kiwi:
You realise how blessed you are to live in a city where you can just walk to your tap for water when you are forced to learn to live without that luxury.
I spent fifteen years living in San Diego. Ugh, talk about horrid tap water. It's fine to drink, health-wise, but it tastes awful. So does the water in Los Angeles. Practically everybody has a filter installed on their water system or buys a lot of bottled water. In San Diego, I could do as you say, walk to my tap for water, but I'd rather not.

Fortunately I moved to the great Northwest where the water is actually quite good-tasting. It's actually water, not the sludge that passes for water in southern California! wink

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin