For the record, I and most Christians I know do not believe that the Westboro Baptists Church group are real Christians.
And I have to say, for the record, that I've never come across any Christians who are even remotely like the Westboro people - not even remotely. And even though I have read about all kinds of wackos, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, what have you, I still think the Westboro group are a curiosity all of their own. (And to be still more specific, yes, there have been other groups who have been even more hateful, not least a number of Islamist terrorists, but the Westboro people still have a style all of their own.)

I must also say, for the record, that I most certainly realize that religion is not the root cause of evil in the world. If it was, people like Hitler and Stalin would not have been evil at all, because neither of them was religious.

[Linked Image]

Hitler, a nice guy whose decency can be proved by the fact that he didn't go to church? No, I don't think so.
