Okay, I'll try to explain. In 2003, a Swedish pastor named Åke Green said in a sermon in his church that homosexual people are a cancer on the body of society.
The thing of it is, is that in the US, Pastor Green would have been allowed to say this without getting in trouble. Oh, depending on the person, folks would have been mad. The freedom of speech in the US is also what allows crazies like the Westboro Church (notice I left out Baptist) to say what they say. And our freedom of speech also allows a 'preacher' stand in the pulpit and say, "Goddamn America." (I'm sure that's been discussed in other threads, but I haven't read through all of them.)

And these Westboro folks that were rejoicing over Swedes dying in the tsunami will one day face God's wratch. Please know that this is not typical of America.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~