Last year today, we put DS in the hospital for the first time. He was back under eight pounds at the time.

Today, he's almost 20lbs and has been released by the specialist we went to see this week!

He was 19lb 3oz last week at his check up and was 19lb 13oz this week at the specialist's clinic. That's up 7lb since he was put in the hospital with that nasty stomach bug in August - that's more than he gained his whole first year!

Praise God - he's doing so well. He's still a bit behind on his milestones - walking, talking etc. - but he was a preemie [30 days] and spent so much of the first six months especially just surviving that everyone's okay with that for the moment. As long as he continues progressing, it'll be okay and he is.

Thanks to everyone for your prayers/good thoughts/encouragement/etc over the last year.

You guys rock!