Gosh Carol... reading the things you are going through, I can completely sympathise... it's so hard.

My thoughts and hopes are with you. *hugest hugs*
Best wishes for a quick recovery. I hope everything stabilises soon.

My 1 year old son ends up in hospital almost every time he get sick as he has febrile convulsions every time no matter how trivial the illness (ear infection, common flu, etc). He has been poked, prodded, scanned... and he has also had his results come back with abnormal liver functions. So I can completely relate to the 'unknowing factors' at play. We were lucky... his liver function came back to normal (but it took over a month), and the pediatrician just thinks it was caused by the infection... but it has to be tested every time he convulses...

There is nothing worse than feeling so completely helpless while your baby is crying and you can't do anything to make him feel better... I really feel for you Carol.

Please keep us updated on your son's progress as time permits.

*more hugs, for one can never have too many*

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box