Came home yesterday. Blood drawn this AM. Doc appt in a couple hours. No clue if I'll have internet till I get back and not sure when that'll be.

Some of his blood tests have been coming back way off. Mainly some of his liver tests. One of them [don't ask me what it is wink ] has to do with liver function and bone growth so it's typically 'pretty high' in infants etc because they're growing bones. It can also be high when fighting an intestinal/stomach bug. When he was in the hospital in Nov. it was 1200ish, which was high, but not horribly so. This week it's stayed in the 6000 range and hasn't been coming down as he gets better [which it SHOULD if it was high as a result of the bug he's fighting]. Some of his other liver tests are off too, but that one's by far the worst apparently. That's one of the [several] tests they're rerunning today. *IF* there's something wrong with his liver, it could explain why he's not growing as well as we'd like as well as why he had such a hard time fighting this bug [4 of the other 5 of us had it and the longest was 4 days for me - he's closing in on two weeks]. This weekend's on call pediatrician thinks that they may well want to keep him for a few days for observation and more tests to see what happens to those numbers as he gets better - or just in general - but we'll have to see.

Anyway - thanks all. Will be in touch as I can...