DS had a weight check today!

FOURTEEN lbs FOURTEEN oz!!! That's up TWO and a HALF pounds from his low point when he was sick earlier this month and almost two pounds from his one year check up the day he first started to get sick.


That said... When we were in the hospital in Nov, they did a urine test that came back 'off', but the Mayo Clinic guys said that the formula he was on and this test didn't play well together. Said to redo it when he'd been off the formula for a while and we promptly forgot all about it. When he was in the hospital a couple weeks ago, they redid it and it's still 'off'.

Mayo Clinic said run these blood tests [plasma carnitine, acylcarnitines, fatty acids [or long chain fatty acids] - not a clue what all that means and googling hasn't really helped] so he had blood drawn again today. It has to be sent to Mayo so it'll be end of next week before we hear back most likely, maybe the week after that with the holiday and everything.

Anyway - that's our update!