I won't repeat my finale thoughts here; they're on my LiveJournal. But I was amused by this:
I have to say that, overall, this season has been the Doctor's finest for this viewer. I've enjoyed every single episode - with the exception of Midnight, which bored me to tears. Once again, Moffat's two parter, SITL/FOTD was the highlight for me - packed with amazing ideas and moments.
because I loved Midnight, for a number of reasons - the Doctor completely vulnerable without his companion to help him, and unable to use his greatest asset (his mind) to win people over to his side; and then that wonderful moment at the end with Donna. Beautiful! And I absolutely loathed with the fires of a thousand pits of hell Moffat's two-parter. I was bored by the 'monsters', found River Song the single most irritating character ever to appear in DW and hated (yet again) Moffat's habit of sidelining the established companion in favour of his Mary Sue guest-star.

As for the finale, although I did enjoy it I am still angry at Donna's fate. To see her reverting to the way she was in The Runaway Bride is so incredibly sad - and the Doctor didn't give her a choice. Okay, it was all he could do to save her life, but she was pleading with him not to frown As for Rose, while I'm delighted that she gets an ending with the Doctor (Doctor2), yet again she got no choice in her own destiny. The Doctor's done that to her now in each season finale she's been in. Three times he's made decisions for her and not once asked if she's okay with them. mad

Donna's ring: no, it's nothing like the Master's. His was circular and had a design on it - here it is:
[Linked Image]

Donna's is oblong and plain grey in design:
[Linked Image]

We were shown it a lot. But they have a habit of doing that in DW - leading us to believe that certain things are important yet they're never referred to again. The hand picking up the Master's ring last year, for example, may or may not be significant. Depends if Moffat wants to make it so. Likewise Jenny being alive. Sometimes they're left trailing just in case a future writer wants to make use of them, and sometimes they're just red herrings. goofy

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*