Saint Mary's Mead
As Desiree mentioned, Anne grew up in Avonlea. When she married Gilbert, she moved to Glen Saint Mary, which does indeed sound a lot like Saint Mary's Mead!

St. Mary Mead is actually the home of Jane Marple, Agatha Christie's elderly mystery-solving heroine. Miss Marple is a perfect example of the fact that a quiet domestic life (married or otherwise) can be interesting and exciting if you look beneath the surface.

And in that vein, I doubt that Lois Lane would lead a boring, fade-into-the-wallpaper life even if she was married a hundred years. Her character is too strong. But that doesn't mean her entire life has to revolve around apprehending villains. It is not outside the realm of possibility for an intelligent, vivacious woman to find happiness and adventure in activities that don’t result in a headline. Whether that person is married to Superman or a small-town doctor is beside the point.

Whether the stories of that person’s life are interesting to others is obviously a personal choice. I, for example, loved Anne’s House of Dreams (the book that chronicles the early years of Anne and Gilbert's marriage). Ann (er, our Ann smile ) didn’t. And that’s ok. But it's not fair to write someone off as boring just because their primary activity is raising their kids and being a supportive partner to their spouse.


lisa in the sky with diamonds