You have to work so hard to even get close to her looks, and so many girls just give up, eat junk food and get really fat instead.
But it's not even about working hard. There's a multitude of body types out there. Not all women are meant to be that thin--for some people that's just not healthy.

And then when someone has managed to turn her body into that impossible ideal, like Paris Hilton, and she wants to be liked and admired for it, the world jeers and laughs at her.
You sound as if you're looking at Paris like a hapless victim. Poor, poor Paris.

In any case, the whole body image issue is why I appreciate campaigns like Dove's last year (I think) where the models looked like real women.

Things are slowly changing, I feel, even being the pessimist I usually am. At least here in the US, I've noticed that the media has become more conscious of the need to make a larger effort to represent diversity of all types. It still has a long way to go, but I applaud the steps its taking.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan