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It's no wonder that many women are jealous of Paris Hilton.
Paris Hilton's previous successes made many of these women feel fat, ugly, poor and unsexy.
No way, I don't think that people are actually jealous of Paris Hilton if they tell us that they detest her. They probably detest her and a thousand others out there just because they detest them.

She'd neither the epitome of womanhood nor an example of an ideal woman. I know people usually think in terms of 'beauty' when it comes to a woman, but do you think anybody actually wants a woman who's just a show?

If such 'beautiful' woman, rather than displaying their body, did something more productive, then I think people may comment something positive, "Hey look at her. Now that's the kind of woman I'd love/like. Not only she's beautiful, but she really has a heart and a brain."

And I still don't know why certain qualities such as kindness, sympathy, peace-making etc. are possessed by woman who aren't generally considered physically beautiful. Do you think they are trying to make up for their lack of physical beauty by being beautiful from the *inside* - the *heart*?

And the woman who have been endowed well ( I'm not jealous; I just love the way I am ) usually flaunt their beauty rather than being useful in some other way.

If popularity *is* what they want, there are a million ways to gain it, and not just by creating an effect that the only quality that matters in a woman is *beauty*. I detest such *beautiful* woman for that, not because I'm jealous. I detest them because they make everybody think that intelligence, sympathy and kindness - the *inner* beauty - should be overlooked in the face of *physical* beauty, which they are going to take with themselves to the grave!

There are millions of people out there who could use some help!!! They should make their mark in the world by doing something for such deserving people - the sort of help that stays in this world even after we depart!

The people should talk about what we've done and keep us alive in their memories, and not because we gave them such a *good physical stimulation* at night. When one *sexy* woman *dies*, the news flashes headlines about them for hardly two days before another such living *star* replaces them!!!

What attracts us all to Superman (even though he is fictional) is not his super-body or his super-abilities but his nature - using his powers to help people.

Would we have wanted a SuperLex or a SuperTempus or taking it to the feminine side, a SuperLindaKing?


( oo * Work) + (1 * Hubby) + (2 * Kids) = 0 * Time