Paris Hilton isn't stupid, she makes a good living playing the over-sexed bimbo and having "opinions". Do you really think she cares one whit about alcoholic elephants?

A woman like Paris Hilton is held up as an impossible ideal to women everywhere. How many of us can have Paris Hilton's perfect face and body?

A great many? I've never heard anyone refer to Paris Hilton as the pinnacle of female perfection. Quite the opposite.

Her niche is to make ordinary people feel good about themselves. Despite her wealth and fame she appears stupid, tasteless and cheap. So Jack an Jill enjoy stealing a read about her in the gossip column which give them a warm glow of superiority.
But they are the ones who pays for her champange and caviar. cool

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...