The sights, I’ve always lived in the city, but there are so many beautiful natural places in our country, nature has been so generous with us, just traveling from one place to another it’s worth it for the sights you’ll see in your way.

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It’s history, Lima and every part of our country it’s so rich in history and you can still see buildings that are proved older cultures had lived here. We still have towns who keeps traditions that have thousands of years, specially in the forrest, you go visit them and the way they live now it’s how their ancestors lived. The knowledge they have of the nature, the respect they have for it and how they could live with it without harming it, it’s truly inspiring.

Least:Poverty, there's still people who are very poor.

Most historically significant points about your town/country?
It’s history, Lima and every part of our country it’s so rich in history and you can still see buildings that are proved older cultures had lived here. We still have towns who keeps traditions that have thousands of years, specially in the forrest, you go visit them and the way they live now it’s how their ancestors lived. The knowledge they have of the nature, the respect they have for it and how they could live with it without harming it, it’s truly inspiring.

You can still see the trend of architecture and art of the Virreynal time (Virrey was the as a governor who had to answer to the king, in this case the king of Spain – we were a Spanish colony until 1821- so this Virrey was the major authority in the absence of the king).
At the time they build big houses with very carefully made balconies, the churches are greatly adorned.
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The historic center of Lima is also called ‘Cercado’ ‘Surrounded’, because at one time a wall was build around the city keep it safe from attacks from the corsairs and pirates, there’s still part of that wall behind the San Francisco’s Church.
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The wall at the bottom is it.

It’s not completely tropical because of the Andes ( a mountain system, most of it crosses our country) that give us all kinds of climates.
For more explanation see :

Type of government? Name of current leader?
Democratic Republic. The president is Alan Garcia Perez.

What are the major industries?
Mining, Tourism and Agriculture.

Major religion?
Most of the country is catholic

Diversity of education? Do most people graduate high school? College?
Most people finish high school, for people to go to college they either have to come to Lima where there are the better Universities or to the other cities on the coast side which also have universities, and because some young men/women can’t come here or have money to afford the travel and the living alone, they just can’t go to the university.

Most popular sport?
Soccer, definitely. Next comes volleyball. We are such a soccer driven country laugh that for example this past sunday our team was playing versus Brazil’s team and they were playing at our stadium, at the time of the game the streets were silenced , people were either at the stadium or their houses watching the game. If you go to the supermarket the morning of some day’s soccer game (especially when it’s Peru vs some other country and they’re playing to get into the world cup)you can see people buying snacks, food and drinks because family and friends would gather in the afternoon to watch the game.

Most popular food?
In Lima, ‘cebiche’ and ‘pollo a la brasa’

What do you feel is the most interesting/exciting thing about where you live?
In my opinion , it’s history again, it’s customs.

Are there any urban legends associated with your town/state/country?
All that comes to my mind and my family’s (I’ve tried to think about others but just don’t know). There’s ‘La casa Matusita’ ‘Matusita’s House’

There’s all kind of stories about it. One says there lived a Japanese man you killed himself after killing his wife and kids because he saw his wife with another man. The other says the servants of the master’s house killed him and some friends that were invited some day because they were abused by him, after that they killed themselves.

It’s said also that those stories were invented because a very long time ago across the street was located the embassy of the US and they help spread the stories so no one would spy on them :S.

Whether any of those stories it’s true or not, no one lives there and no one wants to spend a night in there.

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That’s it, look normal huh? Well it’s not!

Carolyn smile
(Who hopes you have enjoyed reading it as much as she has enjoyed writing it)

Pisco and Ceviche ->100% PERUVIAN. Never doubt that.