Where do you live? City/State/country? Sydney, New South Wales Australia

Prominent language spoken? Other languages/dialects? English

Is this rural or urban? Rough size? Urban according to Wikipedia the rough size of Sydney is 12, 144.6 square kilometres

What do you like most/least about where you live? I love being within easy reach of Sydney Harbour and the beaches. There's nothing I love more than going to the Harbour or to the beach on a nice sunny day. I also love that we are the only city in the world (at least currently to my knowledge) that has a (or rather two) Lindt cafe. Mmmm... Swiss Chocolate. There's not much that I don't like about being here I guess I have to say public transport would be my main gripe, but I rarely use it anymore.

Most historically significant points about your town/country? Circular Quay is where the first settler's arrived in Sydney, Parramatta is one of the first inland suburbs or Sydney, Kurnell/Botany Bay where Captain James Cook first discovered Australia and I guess you could add Homebush Bay because that's where the 2000 Olympic Stadium is situated.

Climate? Mild to moderate in summer and winter we enjoy a rather temperate climate that on occasion will tip either way. It usually depends whether the Blue Mountains get snow for it to be really cold

Type of government? Name of current leader? If by that you mean the party in power in NSW then it's the Labor Party and the Premier is Morris Iemma (pronounced 'Yemma'). National leader is John Howard who is part of the Liberal Party, but Australia is sson to have an election so that could change.

What are the major industries? Sydney is mostly the corporate centre of Australia. In Australia wheat, wool, banannas, mangoes and mining are considered our primary industries.

Major religion? Christianity mainly Catholicism and Anglican. Sydney is where the Catholic and Anglican Archbishop reside

Diversity of education? Do most people graduate high school? College? Technical colleges and many will graduate high school either finishing in year 10 to do a trade or go onto year 12 to hopefully attend university. Sydney University my alma mater is Australia's oldest university.

Most popular sport? Cricket, Rugby League/Union, Swimming, Australian football

Most popular trend at the moment? Have no clue

Most popular food? There's so much cultural diversity in Sydney so it depends where you go. Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese are popular Asian foods. At the footy or sports in general nothing does better than a meat pie, the good old barbeque never hesitates to bring people together.

What do you feel is the most interesting/exciting thing about where you live? No question either being by the Harbour.

Are there any urban legends associated with your town/state/country? Not that I know of. I have heard of a few ghost stories, but I don't remember them.

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart

Helen Keller