Where do you live? City/State/country? London, England

Prominent language spoken? Other languages/dialects? English.

Is this rural or urban? Rough size? Urban, several million.

What do you like most/least about where you live? Likes - easy access to big city resources, shops, communications, etc. Dislikes - traffic, occasional crowding in e.g. street markets and tourist areas, seriously overloaded public transport.

Most historically significant points about your town/country? Capital of Britan, about as historic as it gets.

Climate? Very variable. Currently cold and damp.

Type of government? Representative democracy.

Name of current leader? Gordon Brown

What are the major industries? Financial services, tourism, some manufacturing but a lot less important than it was except in some specialized areas e.g. aerospace, armaments, chemicals, pharmaceuticals.

Major religion? Probably christianity, but not by much - Islam and the Indian religions are catching up, with Judaism trailing some way behind.

Diversity of education? Do most people graduate high school? Yes
College? No

Most popular sport? Football (soccer, not American football)

Most popular trend at the moment? No idea

Most popular food? Indian food, possibly pizza.

What do you feel is the most interesting/exciting thing about where you live? It's a real city, sometimes the pace of change is a little daunting, but I'd hate to live in the country.

Are there any urban legends associated with your town/state/country? (My son's enquiring mind wants to know!)

Hundreds - from all the old stories about the Tower of London up to Jack the Ripper, Sprin-Heeled Jack, and beyond. The school where I work just had to dig up an entire graveyard and 1500+ bodies to make room for an underground gymn, give that a few years and someone is sure to decide it's haunted!

Marcus L. Rowland
Forgotten Futures, The Scientific Romance Role Playing Game