Where do you live? City/State/country? The City of Dodgers! wink That's right don't care for the American League Angeles. (Los Angeles)

Prominent language spoken? Other languages/dialects? English with Spanish probably a close second.

Is this rural or urban? Rough size? Gargantuan!

What do you like most/least about where you live?LA is quite diverse and because it's cities are spread out, some can have a different feel than others. Also, it's been home most all my life. I do not care for how huge this place is and how crowded it is. Also, too many folks seem so bent on attaining fame or fortune that they forgoe basic kindness.

Most historically significant points about your town/country? I think LA is the second biggest city in the world?

Climate? It has finally gotten cooler. Okay I'll answer. Summer and some Fall/Early Spring rain.

Type of government? Name of current leader? * sigh * the governor of CA is Arnold S and the current Mayor of LA is Antonio Villaraigosa.

What are the major industries? Entertainment

Major religion? Christianity and Judiasm.

Diversity of education? Do most people graduate high school? College? Most people do tend to graduate both high school and college. However, I am shamed to say this city of mine has many an area in which residents are probably lucky to eat let alone go to school. smirk

Most popular sport? Baseball and Basketball.

Most popular trend at the moment? I have no clue.

Most popular food? Proabbly fast food.

What do you feel is the most interesting/exciting thing about where you live? Disneyland? smile

Are there any urban legends associated with your town/state/country? (My son's enquiring mind wants to know!)
Here's one of sorts. In nearby Beverly Hills there is an ancient house that some call "Witch's Landing." http://www.seeing-stars.com/Landmarks/WitchesHouse.shtml