Nutella? *drools* I used to live on the stuff when I was in College. <g>

And someone seriously need to send me some applebutter, because I keep hearing about it... and I WANT SOME!

...ahum. thank you. *lol*

Applebutter was always a breakfast food for me in the South. It went on butter biscuits. ^_^ I can't imagine it on a peanut butter sandwhich.
Hang on... what's a PB&J sandwich to you? Lunch?? rotflol
It qualifies as breakfast to me. Or am I just in the wrong part of the world again? LOL

ETA: ...OK, I went and checked that website for Marmite. They have a gallery of pictures that people made with that stuff on their toast!!! [choking with laughter]

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies