Some bad news, but mostly good news.

Mom's health is improving greatly, physically. Mentally, she has a little ways to go yet. She is still rather confused and over the weekend, pulled off all her monitoring leads and pulled out her catheter eek because, according to her, she wanted to go to the bathroom, like a real person.

However, she fell and broke her glasses and cut the side of her head.

On the plus side, she has been accepted into a nursing home that is only 15 minutes away from where Dad lives hyper . This is not a permanant thing. It is only for her rehab. It is also where most of Dad's family is, so she should get lots of visits.

The doctors still insist that her confusion is probably medication induced and will clear up, once the figure out what, exactly is causing the issue. The hard part is that she hasn't taken anything new in the last year, so there is no obvious suspects.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!