Well, got a phone call from Dad shortly after my last post, but forgot to post blush .

Mom has eaten her first solid food in the last 8 weeks! With the help of a walker and a PT, she walked to the nurse's station, about 20 ft, and she seems to be doing better, white count wise.

The doctors say that if she continues at this pace, that she may be moved to a hospital closer to Dad. There are two possiblities, one is 25 miles away, and is a pretty decent hospital. The other in the same town as Dad, but it really isn't top notch (I mean, I went to school with some of the staff! How good could it really be! wink )

Anyway, that fact that the doctors are talking so positivly is a really good sign.

James, Thanks for the birthday wishes. thumbsup

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!