Mom is in the hospital still. We all got a chance to be with her. Our eldest, RGT, took it best and tried to talk to her. Our middle child, TFT, didn't like all the machines and spent most of her time in a nearby waiting room. KFT was indifferent. She just had a puzzled look on her face and then turned to me and said, "Kiss Grandpa?" (She is still not getting her labels correct...)

She tires easily and seems to be doing better, but the Hospital is still preplexed at her condition. Her white count spiked two weeks ago up to 52. They think her original condition has changed to normal pneumoia and is treating it with antibiotics, but they still don't think that is the total cause for her condition. Her white count is now in the upper 20s and it should be around 5 to 7. She is still very sick, but being able to talk to her is a real blessing.

Dad is handling it well, but the 90min drives to and from the hospital are wearing him down somewhat. As much as he would like to go every day, he just can't and it is causing him to feel guilty. He now is visiting Wednesdays and Saturdays. (Mom is something of a pack rat and he is using this time to 'tidy' the house, one room at a time. wink )

We got the van back and it runs fantastically. Could have done without the 12 hour drive home, but what can you do?

And today I am am celebrating a young forty-third year on this planet we call Earth. party


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!