smile We have Stargate in French and English over here - different seasons, on different channels - and if I wanted, I could manage to see up to 3 different episodes a day. Four on Thursdays when S10 is on. And that's just classic SG1, cause if you add Atlantis to the mix, I could be sitting in front of the TV all day over here. *lol*

I don't really watch Atlantis, though. I will if I'm sitting here and it happens to be on, but I won't go out of my way. I absolutely cannot stand MacKay and it annoys me to no end that they had to make him a Canadian - not to mention they have him say "zed" instead of "zee" all the time and I'm sorry but not all of us do that. I'll bet you'd hardly find anyone here to call the thing "zed-pee-em", especially if the rest of the known universe says "zee-pee-em"! *sigh*

I have to say my interest level dropped while Daniel Jackson was off being dead and ascended and it dropped even more seriously after O'Neill left... I'm totally bummed that we never really saw anything "happen" between O'Neill and Carter. Dang it, I've been hoping for that for *years*. They'd better not end the series without giving us a little bit of something there - or I'm totally going to write to them and complain. wink

Season 10 isn't *that* bad, considering - the Quest, was definitely interesting - and, well, you know... Cameron Mitchell... drool and Daniel Jackson, obviously... Oooooh, Daniel Jackson! To quote Lois on Smallville: "Give me a nerd with glasses any day of the week." LOL! Much drooling going on, here. No, I swear I don't watch the show just for the eye candy! I don't!! I watch it 'cause it's just so damn gooooood!!! It's amusing and interesing and - well, it's really very entertaining. Not like some other stuff I've been forced to watch (Enterprise comes to mind here. BLAH!)

I suck at episode titles and what season they're in, so I'm not real sure which ones you're referring to, there... In fact I couldn't even tell you what the title of my favorite episode is (the one where they re-live the same day over and over again - kinda like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day) I don't even know what season it's in. Guess that comes from watching so many different seasons simultatneously on the tube. Oh hum.

Sort of wish I had the DVDs now - I'd totally watch the episode with Dan Castallanetta and the communicating stones again.. that was a great one. smile

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies