Over in the poster thread, Lara wrote:

OMG!!! LabRat - I just saw your sig. LOVE it!! You know... in my house, the absolute most common word is "indeed." I should mention we say it in a lower voice than our own and in a very neutral tone. We're a tiny bit deranged over here. [Smile] But we love SG 1. [Smile]
Yay, another SG1 fan! dance There are actually quite a few SG1 fans here on the mbs! I have to confess it's my obsession. LNC and SG1 - can't get enough.

Must be fun to have others in your house who are fans, Lara! I have to make sure I watch it alone, otherwise Stuart ribs it mercilessly. (This from the man who regularly watched Enterprise and who insists on watching ST:TOS marathons on Sundays :rolleyes: )

Funny thing with the sig though. For the last few years, I've always had a SG1 sig on the mbs. It was only recently that I started using other things - mostly because the show jumped the shark for me with S9 <shudder> and I lost interest in anything but Classic SG1. (Although do have to say that I've been enjoying quite a bit of S10 - I thought Quest was wonderful - so things are looking up again). But this sig only got used because I attempted an experiment with a new sig and it didn't work, which left me with no sig and no time right then to find another, and I spotted this one in an old email and just shoved it in temporarily until I found something else. laugh

You know...I feel a wallow coming on. It's been a while since I've sat down with CotG and worked my way through to Moebius. wink Might even go on and watch S9 again, see if I change my opinion on it. (Has been known).

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers