Somehow I should have guessed there'd be a lot of people on here with pages all over the place!

In response to someone's question, I personally use Facebook the most and Myspace the second most. Facebook is due to my studies--so I try not to put too much information on there that I wouldn't like to have come back to haunt me in a job interview. I also use my real name on there. I'm pretty careful about what I use Myspace for as well (although my name isn't on there)--for the same reasons. Come to think of it, the only reason I got a myspace page in the first place was because one of my colleagues roped me into it--and now I do use it with other friends as well.

Unfortunately, I don't reveal my LnC interest at either location so I don't have any FoLC on there at present...because you don't know I exist smile

But I'm pretty sure that you're in the "extended network" any time that you aren't directly linked to someone as their "friend" but you find them through a friend's page.


Swoosh --->