Oh dear. I have way too many blogs. I'll give you an opinion on the ones I have.

MySpace of course. It's the one that I use the least just because a lot of my friends don't use it. I've just always found myspace to feel a little chaotic for some reason? And like you always read those stories on CNN about people having fake myspaces and stalkerish stories...I've always felt a little sketchy about myspace, personally. But you can customize it to your dreams' end and it's your own personal page if you're into that.

Facebook. All of my friends are on facebook, and we all stay in touch with each other on this one. A lot of people don't blog much on it, although you can. Facebook tells you a lot about what people are doing, which can be both good and bad depending on your privacy settings. Mine are set high, so I don't tell people much, but if you don't fancy your privacy, you can tell people everything from whose wall you wrote on to what your latest music is. You can't view people outside of your network normally, which is something I like. I've found Facebook to be more about keeping in touch with people than blogging.

Live Journal. This is the blog I've always liked best because of the friends page. It will list all your friends and what they've written, so I can keep up with people's ins and outs with one click of a link. I've had Live Journal the longest, and it's just the one I've always liked writing in the best. Everyone can usually see your Live Journal, but you can make friends-only posts, and I like having that option. There's less personal customization on live journal, but I've always found it to be less complicated than myspace. I blog and that's about it. I don't really network with it.

Xanga. It's pretty much the same thing as Live Journal, only you don't get to have a user page. You write in it, you subscribe to people, etc. The one thing I like about Xanga is, it has an optional privacy setting so that everyone who views your page has to be logged in.


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy