Although, part of it is because my mother hated her own name growing up (Laviana Delores)
And she named you sister Lynness? It almost sounds like lioness or Linus. But hey, I think your mom’s name is pretty - I like Laviana. Never heard it before, but I like it. And get my mom’s name - Belva Imogene. How about that one? (And yes, she hates it.)

Should I risk it and just name them what I want anyways?
As long as they really are names, then why not? (Just don’t name one of your kids Superman, Kal-El, Lois Lane, or Clark Kent. I’ve actually met a Clark Kent.)

Hey SuperRoo, I wouldn’t worry about your name so much. When I was growing up, Emily was considered a hideous name. Now it’s very common and is considered a nice name. And you do have one of the oldest names around. Good solid name. (I say that now, but oh, how I used to wish I was named something besides Nancy.)

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~