Hey, Mac Daddy here! No promise Daddy Mac will show up...she's off doing fabulous things.

I've been watching Smallville this season but I haven't been around much to remark on them. I thought Static was pretty "meh". As my husband remarked while we were watching it, they seemed to waste two good possible story premises on one episode. That whole "bone eater" thing was terrifically gruesome and could have made a great hour-long episode. Then the Static FotW could have had his own slot.

I have a confession. This season, I find myself enjoying the Green Arrow episodes the most. Maybe it's Ollie (yeah, he's kinda hot and all that green leather doesn't hurt!), but I just love watching him be a superhero. I guess I'm just getting tired of Clark's "poor-me I'm a freak and must hold myself apart" routine. I'm ready for him to embrace his hero-ness and get on with it.

I think the problem could be that they're starting to run out of things to do with Clark. They've run through all of his potential storylines within the parameters of the show. He's already done the destiny/alien thing, the high school sweetheart big secret stuff, even the death of Jonathan Kent. These new phantom "zoners" are simply replacements for the FotWs of the past. If TPTB aren't going to move him to Metropolis and let him start working at the DP and begin something with Lois, we end up with a guy who's kind of boring. Been there, done that.

Too, TPTB have royally screwed up any possibility of some kind of Lois/Clark relationship. Unless they're willing to go at it with Lois knowing from the get-go who Clark is (i.e., Clark = Superman), these two have to spend some significant time apart so Clark can change enough for Lois to remain clueless when he comes back in glasses. Not to mention the fact that they have absolutely no sexual tension humming between them right now. For me, Lois and Clark never had that friends-into-lovers relationship but something more sudden and immediate, at least on Clark's part. Both the LnC and movie incarnations of Superman show Clark falling head over heels for Lois pretty much on sight. Smallville isn't even close.

I can't even go near the whole Lana-is-pregnant/Lex stuff. Just...can't.

I am looking foward to what they do with the Justice League. And I will say that I do like this season better than the one when Lana was some kind of mystical witchy-woman with mythological importance. As long as they sign Green Arrow for as many epis as possible, I'll show up.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah