Daddy Mac and Mac Daddy
What do you mean?

And just what was that thing that saved him there at the end? Was that a villain or hero?
Scary hero. J’onn J’onzz aka The Martian Manhunter or The Manhunter from Mars. (I also didn’t recognize him at first. I didn’t recognize the oreos. Thanks for pointing that out to me, Lara Moon.) Last living Martian. Powers similar to Clark’s. Usually a big green guy. Shapeshifter. Can appear human. Can pass through objects. 100's of years old. Telepathic. Fire can kill him, but not much else. Likes oreos - a lot. They rather seem to be his calling card.

Martian Manhunter - Wikipedia

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Maybe Clark will FINALLY fly on his own without being possessed.
Clark has flown on his own without being possessed. I can remember two times right off:
1. Saving Smallville and Chloe from a nuclear explosion.
2. When he asked Lana to marry him (before Jor-El reset time.)

It is interesting that Lana's slowly going over to the Lex side of the force. The old Lana would never tolerate deceit on Lex's scale.
I always thought she had it in her and that this was the way the show would eventually go. After all, Lois and Clark have to get together.

I’d like to know why Clark was out of the picture (in Seattle), too. Maybe that will be resolved in another episode.

What does PZ and FotW mean?

Why doesn't anyone ever fall through the floor? Or on a starship, why don't they get left in space the second the ship changes speed or direction since they can't touch anything?
Does seem like they ought to have seat belts, doesn’t it?

I was glad to see Jimmy do something impressive - he is a future Pulitzer winner, you know. Plus it makes the match between Jimmy and Chloe less lopsided.
Uggg… I’d still like to see at least one little Clark and Chloe twist. Get rid of Jimmy for a while so that can happen.

What’s MB mean?

The only thing that was worth seeing was the 3 and a half seconds of Martian Manhunter - especially if you could fast forward through the rest of the show and see just that. *lol*
Well, I tried to watch it again. I managed to watch the part where I was trying to figure out if Kristin Kreuk is pregnant and the oreo bits. Does anyone else think Kristin Kreuk is really pregnant. Parts of the episode looks like it was filmed at different times. I wonder if parts of it had to be refilmed / rewritten to include a pregnancy. She definitely looks heavier in parts. And at one point she had a suit on that was was either the most shapeless, ugly thing I've seen or they were definitely trying to cover a pregnancy. Check it out. In the bit where Lana is at the Planet talking to Jimmy and Chloe, I think she definitely looks pregnant.

Some have said they don’t like Erica Durance as Lois. I think she does a good job with what’s been given her. I hate it that they have made her a near do-less high school / college dropout. At least now she is trying to do a little better, but really can you imagine Lois Lane ever writing for a rag like the Inquisitor?

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~