I haven't seen a Smallville thread going on here for quite a while so I thought I'd start one for once. I kinda miss the Daddy Mac and Mac Daddy debates.

Anyway, with this episode, I thought it was awful and sub par for an otherwise decent season. Did the writers just have a problem figuring out what to do with Clark this episode so they had to have him run off to Seattle for no good reason? Since it was so Lana-centric, he'd be too awkward? He saved a dock worker, yes, but he didn't do a thing to the bad guy. And just what was that thing that saved him there at the end? Was that a villain or hero? He looked awfully villainous to me. He could fly, too. Maybe Clark will FINALLY fly on his own without being possessed.

As for the title plot, why does every science fiction show have to have an invisibility episode? Whether they're trapped in another dimension, stuck as static, or separated by a nanosecond of time-shifting, almost every show has one of those.

Why doesn't anyone ever fall through the floor? Or on a starship, why don't they get left in space the second the ship changes speed or direction since they can't touch anything?

It is interesting that Lana's slowly going over to the Lex side of the force. The old Lana would never tolerate deceit on Lex's scale. Neither would she ever sanction experimentation on live humans, even ones that were changed by meteor rocks.

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin