All i can say is sorry for anything that did insult anyone
i was not in a good mood that day for a number of reasons, primarily a lot of pple (not online pple) calling me stupid when i was right in the first place....

glad to hear your better ali

sorry i ruffled ppls feathers, i should learn to count to 10 before i type and vent a days frustrations on innocent pple

i still stand by my theoretical basis behind the post. the majority of these naturopathic remedies work primarily on the placebo responce, as cited in many medical journals, but that should not be a reason for me to give you guys crap....

i didnt mean to be harsh, it was meant as beneficial information for you guys... it was meant as rational advice from a friend, not the arrogant, snobby, diatribe from the almighty knowitall...

this is meant as a peace offering

all the best huh!! huh i dont know what else to say

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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