ok, as the first scientific (OR REMOTELY MEDICAL) responce to this (i want to say ridiculous without insulting anybody) trail of whitches brews.... here goes


THE COMMON COLD (AKA VARIOUS STRAINS OF INFLUENZA) is a virus, which is not affected by antibiotics

if there is a sore throat, the salt water thingy will kill any bacteria orming on the oral cavity, so perhaps this may help treat one or at least prevent any secondary infections which may arise from a previously weakened immune system....

pure steam helps coughs by increasing the humidity and temperature of the air breathed in, so reducing any irritation of the lung from cold and dry air typical of the colder months.... this is a problem for me...

the liquids thing only helps if a lot of fluids are being expelled (runny nose, vommiting, expelling mucous...)

someone with a normal immune system should be recovered from a cold from 4-7 days.... I take longer due to my asthma which kindof complicates things but after the 4-6 days you should no longer be infectious to others.....

aside from this, the only help available is to reduce the symptoms.... expectorants help if there is mucous (and mucous is a sign of a bacterial lung infection.... therefore antibiotics would reduce the length)
other antitussants are available (cough syrups) by asking your pharmacists, or in some cases your doctor who may prescibe something stronger if the cough is very persistant
paracetamol will reduce any fever.... actually very important if you dont want to get worse
pseudoephedrine and others will clear blocked/inflamed sinuses
codeine will reduce pain, aid sleep, and also act as an antitussant, but be careful if there is mucous as this will mean you wont expell it and you may litterally drown in your own mucous
these three are commonly given as over the counter cold/flue tablets
night time cold/flu tablets are often given in combination with antihistamines which act to reduce any swellings. useful in sinus problems and sore throaats....

any nasal decongestants are inhaled forms of psuedoephedrine, or others.... thus warnings are attatched to labels as these can become addictive
(psuedoephedrine is a major constituant in amphetamine tablets, and restrictions are often placed on their sales to prevent pple stocking up in order to make illicit party drugs, but the dose in these tablets and nasal decongestants are so small thatpple should have no problem in taking the recomended doses.

thanks for letting me write about my pet subject
my major at uni is the pharmacology (drug design and developement)
si this was kindof fun in a *hey i know what im talking abnout i can rave on forever* kindof way

hope you all learned something in this wayout post.... ifnot.... you wont die from taking echanacea, althoug some of those tablets have little or no echenecia in them,
in todays world, where fruit nd fruit juice is so very affordable, vitamin C tablets are just a waste of money, as all you need is one glass of OJ and that is already 200% the recomended daily dose, any extra eitherr goes down the drain, or can cause a toxic build up (but you need a whole bottle of pills in one day), garlic does as much as (oh what is another useless thing ah yes) chocolate.... lemon just adds vitamin c,
da da da da da da da da

the list of *alternative* *remedies*(????) goes on and on, but nothing will work.... no more than putting on a red hat will, \\
huh huh
sorry to burst your bubble guys....
and this may not be the right forum for such a lengthy medical post....

but i thought you ought to know

devilsplat devilsplat your really gonna hate me now

You can't have MANSLAUGHTER without LAUGHTER

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