  • Please do not insult other posters. Saying that you don't want to insult anyone doesn't actually change the fact that you're calling all of the posts above yours rediculous and unscientific.
  • Know the credentials of the people you are trying to insult. Personally, I can't claim much more than a few years of college-level scientific training and the eclectic knowledge gained from my father (who is a well-respected practicing physician), but DocJill is actually an MD. (While you are correct that antibiotics are not appropriate for this case, she had already pointed this out. I personally thought she did an effective job.)
  • Remember that even if they lack formal credentials, the knowledge and opinions of your fellow posters may have actual merit. Dismissing them out of hand is also not the best way to gain popularity.
  • Note that the original post asked for any and all suggestions. (Also, I find it's a good idea to consider the history of asprin before casually dismissing old remedies as baseless. There is also something to be said for placebo effect, which can provide at least some help when nothing else can.)
  • If you want to present yourself as reasonable and scientific, consider writing your post in a more traditional fashion. Capitalization, punctuation, formatting, spelling, and other similar aspects of posting style can make a big difference in how you come across.
  • Note that the original poster mentioned, two posts and a full day before your response, that she was happy with the responses she'd received.

Just some advice you didn't really ask for but may yet find helpful. smile


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.