I understand you Bettina, DVD boxes can be pretty pricy. Take Gilmore Girls for example.

Gilmore Girls, Season 1
In Belgium + Netherlands (as of yesterday): € 70 is the lowest price I could find and I've looked everywhere, and most stores have it at € 80 or € 90.
In Germany (as of tomorrow): only € 27!! I would have loved to buy that one, but it doens't include Dutch subtitling.

Gilmore Girls, Season 5 still has to come out in the US (December 13), and is currently priced at € 39. So WHY do I have to pay almost double the amount for the first season?? I don't understand why Gilmore Girls is this expensive, and I sure hope Lois & Clark won't be this expensive when it's finally released here!

About going through the trouble of downloading a show. It's not really that hard to download new episodes of series. No longer than 12 hours after airing, most episodes are already available as torrent downloads. Downloading can take 1-3 hours (I once had it in 30 minuntes). Fortunately, I only download one show a week, because I have a bandwidth limitation of only 10GB/month (of which 1,5 GB upload). Of course, it helps when you have someone to help you with downloading, so I swap Gilmore Girls for Lost every week (tomorrow evening is my weekly appointment wink )

EDIT: oops, I kind of forgot this thread was about OLD tv shows, sorry. I think that for old shows that haven't been released on DVD yet, it's more acceptable to download or distribute them to your friends. However, I am totally against people who try to make profit from this and illegally sell bootleg DVD's on eBay or online shops for a lot of money. There are even 'companies' who sell nothing else than bootleg copies. When I see an eBay auction for Lois & Clark bootleg DVD's, I report the auction to eBay. And I have already reported two websites selling these DVD's to Warner Brothers. Don't know it that had any effect though. But it just angers me that some people make lots of money while duping fans who think they'll get Lois & Clark in DVD quality. Some even have the guts to ask more for the entire 4 seasons than 1/4 of the official season 1. So you pay more so you can have worse quality without any extras? Ridiculous!


~ An ~