I watched it twice last night.

1) Since DC Comics "bought" the rights to Chloe Sullivan, it's very doubtful that a) she will be dead or b) she will "turn into" Lois Lane.

TPTB may mess with some parts of the Superman legend, but Lois Lane is an untouchable icon....she's Chloe's cousin and she will turn up at some point, but it will be more of a cameo role since they're not destined to fall in love until he goes to work for the DP.

2) We know from Smallville: 1961 that Jor-El actually LIKED the Kents and hand-selected them to bring up his son. Jor-El is playing hardball but would not do anything to hurt Jonathan. (Obviously, that didn't apply to poor Kara/Lindsay). Jor-El wants to put Clark through Kryptonian culture school, much as in the original movie the green crystal built the fortress of solitude. I believe this "phantom zone" he is in will answer his questions about the type of race he is from, and what his destiny on earth should be.

3) Lex can't die! I believe that Clark turning on him will motivate him even more to explore Clark's origins and the rift between them will be insurmountable. They have differing agendas and that will permanently scar their friendship.

4) Lana of course will come back, with a shorter "do"

5) Clark's new power will be super-breath, leaving only flying for his high school graduation party. (He was 18 when he learned to fly).

6) Clark will share his secret with Lana in the season finale next year when he leaves to go to college and further explore his destiny. She will be heartbroken, as in the comics...how could you forget loving Superman, after all? Not possible.

Meanwhile, I just received my Smallville Season 2 DVD package and between that and Gilmore Girls Season 1 DVD, and reading/writing L&C fanfiction, the time will pass until September/October when they resolve/bring all these people back to life/ all these issues!!



"Together we are stronger than each of us is apart"