Ok. Well. I have NO business offering my two cents.

I'm yet to see the previous two episodes- taped and not yet watched. So I had no idea who the chick was. AND I only saw the last 10 minutes of this one! The last 10 minutes!! I wasn't really and truly going to 'watch it.' Though I can live in a household of chaos and clutter, and can drop in and out of tv shows on whim, my Smallville viewing must be orderly. And watching the last 10 minutes after missing two and 3/4s episodes is not right!

But man. They were doing that compelling, can't look away operatic stuff that they do so well. When Smallville is firing on all cylinders, it just holds you still.

So, I'm watching this parade of images I only marginally get.

Loved: Clark in the red and blue looking very Supermanish in face of AnakinLexSkywalker, who will now turn all dark. The shot of him leaving the courthouse? Towering head and shoulders over everyone, all righteous indignation? Sigh. Go Supes, love you...call.

And Chloe stepping into her house with all those marshalls around for her protection. Man. That wasn't going to be good. Lynn votes amnesia. I'm thinking Witness Protection Program. Either way, we agree on the dark hair and the new name, right? Unless, of course, SHE'S DEAD!

Who poisioned Lex? The gloriously bald Lionel! Take the father down and pay for your sins!! And the symbolic cutting of the hair- love that. Always loved the hairy contrast between the Luthors. Now they are on a level playing field. Unless, of course, LEX IS DEAD!

And Bo Kent. What was the deal with the electric eel around his neck? You see? This is where missing 2 and 3/4s episodes really works against me. Was his deal with Jor-el that he would send Clark back through the wall? And now that he has, will he get better? Or...IS HE DEAD!

Comics fans: was the passage way like the Phantom Zone? If you know, please weigh in. And is Clark in what is essentially the Kryptonian birthing matrix? So cool. So sci-fi. Better than clones, even.

Next season: The adventures of Lana- who's looking pretty smart for leaving (though we never saw her get on a plane)- in Paris. The adventures of Mama Kent running the farm by herself. An Oz-type storyline of bald!Lionel...and that's it. Why? Everyone else is DEAD!

No. Probably not. But, sadly, I would still watch it.

In short: and it's too late to say that, because I've rambled...imagine if I'd seen the whole thing...It was awesome.

Season Two out on DVD, still have those missed epis to catch up on, but it's a long way to September!


edit: I'd be remiss if I didn't address this:
And I still want another Lois Lane
mecry There's a little sympathy for you, MacDad, because I can appreciate how hard it is to be so wrong. Wait...here's a bit more mecry

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
