She falls in love with a French guy named Rick, played by Dean Cain...Oh wait that has been done already.
LOL Laura! Too funny! But wouldn't it be great if Dean made a guest appearance ala Chris Reeves?

And CC:

Snort! I'm officially granting you a copyright on that one. And from here on after, I will know him as ALS or sexy!ALS <g>.

See, for some reason, I just don't even remotely believe that Chloe is dead. Not even worried one nanosecond about that. I'm just curious how they'll play out the whole explosion. Was it a set up to make Lionel THINK Chloe's dead, all part of the witness protection deal? Or will she be injured by the blast with possible brain damage/memory loss? Or will she be really dead and Lionel will have clone made? And how many episodes will we be tortured before we find out what really happened? That's the juicy stuff I'm dying to see. Well, that and how in the world they're gonna pass Alison Mack off as a Lois Lane that clearly isn't recognizable as Chloe.

So, DaddyMac, you can breathe easy. They aren't all dead. To quote the venerable Billy Crystal in the timeless classic movie The Princess Bride they're just "mostly dead."


Oh, and PS CC - if I were you, I'd watch "Talisman" but skip "Forsaken" altogether. Not a whole lot in it that wasn't simple FOW formula stuff. Not a stellar episode. Or at least fast-forward through every scene with Lana and that Emily Dinsmore crappola and focus on the Luthor Saga instead. Save you at least 45 minutes of your life <g>.

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah