Well you summed it up nicely. Everyone’s Dead and Clark is gone. They could just end the show here. Speculation: They won't. Lex has to survive even more dark and evil, now Clarks arch enemy. Clark comes back as Superman fighting for truth and justice. Chloe is dead and at the funeral her cousin Lois Lane shows up and becomes Clarks new love interest. Or Chloe is barely alive and once better becomes Lois Lane to protect herself from Lionel, who by the way, will linger for another 2 seasons just to spite us. Bo, Clark’s dad, is knocked out but he will survive, as a vegetable? Lana loves Paris and is gone for a season. She falls in love with a French guy named Rick, played by Dean Cain...Oh wait that has been done already. Jor El really does have Clark’s best interest at heart and sends Clark back to be Super. Pete is no longer in the show but he is referred to often in the next season. Ma Kent is still Ma Kent but now has to take care of Bo full time along with the farm. I think I got everyone<g> Oh Chris Reeve will make a few more appearances too.


Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"