Well, I've finished reading it... It took about 24 hours from the time I bought it to the time I finished reading, and that was taking time out for teaching 8 hours of English, a couple of (disjointed) hours for sleeping, an hour at the gym, and, well, other personal stuff...

Whew! Intense or what, and I was guessing all the way through about who it was that kicked it - had a few potential victims in mind, and yes, one of them was the winner...

I'm rather frustrated, tho'... Two years (prolly) before we find out how many OWLs Harry and Hermione and Ron got... And the shippiness is heating up laugh - time to go look up some fanfic to save my sanity, I guess. After I catch up on the sleep I lost to reading.

Talk to you later - time to SLEEP!!!

Melisma (yawning here under her Rock)

Do, or do not. There is no try.
- Yoda