Yes I did get this from Anna yesterday *g*. Sent it to most of the people in my address book [not something I do often *g*].

Well, BttF has been covered in another thread.

Don't have any Care Bears [though the thought has occurred to me - Walmart carries remakes now!] and Maggie and I watched both movies not too long ago - in fact, I meant to have an indepth discussion about the inconsistencies from 1 to 2 with Kaylle and never got around to it.

Had a Smurfs lunch box.

/me hasn't been able to get Inspector Gadget out of her head and actually 'sang' Fresh Prince a couple weeks ago *g*

I still have some clippies that resemble banana clips.

I had a fake cabbage patch doll though my husband will [under duress, mind you] admit to owning several. I do still have the fake cabbage patch as well as a cabbage patch pony.

I remember being jealous of friends who had Ataris. We did have an Atari 520ST computer later LATE 80s/early 90s iirc - that today is supposedly worth quite a bit of money - too bad I threw it in the trash when it stopped working when I was in college. Still can't beat my hubby at most video games - with MarioKart battle mode being the occassional exception [and then only on N64] - no practice growing up is a big disadvantage you see.

CM [who really was going to post to give anna credit honest *g*]