ooo. fun. i saw one of these a while ago, but this list is slightly different. so, let's see...


-You know what a "burnout" is.

a story by labrat?

-You owned/operated a 'Trapper Keeper'

yep. still have one around somewhere, too.

-You know what "Psych" means.

sorry, no idea. psych!

-Once, while spending hours in the arcade, you actually lined up quarters on the top panel of the game-to "reserve" your spot.

actually, no.

-You know the profound meaning of "Wax on, Wax off".

ah, yes, used to use that for when people kept having to dial back into a chat room... "daniel-san: log on, log off. log on, log off..."

-You know that another name for a keyboard is a


-You can name at least half of the members of the elite "Brat Pack".

er... huh?

-You know who Tina Yothers is.

no idea.

-You wanted to be a Goonie.

oh yeah!! that's a definite. i wanted to be the kid with the slick shoes.

-You felt ashamed when Rob Lowe got in trouble for having sex with minors and videotaping it, because you liked him.

he did? really? i recognize the name, but nothing comes up...

-You had top-of-the-line Commodore 64s in your jr. high computer lab.

lol, not quite. we did get some pretty spiffy apple IIs, eventually.

-You know who Max Headroom is.

y- y- y- y- y- y- you betcha.

-You ever wore fluorescent, neon if you will, clothing.

uhm, nope.

-You could breakdance, or wished you did.

maybe, in my less nerdy moments.

-You wanted to be The Hulk for Halloween.

no, not really. i was a ninja one year, when i was too lazy to do anything else and had gotten tired of the old ghost routine. another year, i got a mosterous mask and rigged it so that the eyes glowed red.

-You Believed that "By the power of Greyskull, you HAD the power!"

yep. smile actually, MIT has this student cable channel that's controlled by internet... you go on to their site, pick the show you want to see (out of about 5 choices), and it'll put it in the line-up for you. when it's waiting for someone to click, there's this add that goes by about it, which sometimes says "... and YOU have the power!" well, one day, i was sitting on the couch with some friends, just playing around. i grabbed the remote, and held it up, saying "I HAVE THE POWER!" then turned the TV on... it happened to come on to exactly that screen on exactly that channel at exactly the right time. it was cool. smile

-Partying "like it's 1999" seemed SO far away.

you know, i never heard that song until '99. consequences of being a nerdy hermit...

-You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.

what do you mean "thought"? beast wars was a really cool series, and there are some new transformers comics out this year...

-You can, right now, hum to yourself the theme to
'Inspector Gadget'.

nope, sorry. can't hum that. have to go "do doo doo doo doo, bum bum. doo doo doo doo doo DOO DOOO..."

-You wanted to be on Star Search.

was going to say no, but i did kind of dream about doing a stand-up act there someday.

never wanted to be on the gong show, though.

-You can remember what Michael Jackson looked like before his nose fell off.

lol! yeah, actually, i can... you know, someone on another board has a link to a site called "the history of michael jackson's face" in his sig. never dared click on it, but love to see that pop up. <g>

-You wore a banana clip at some point during your youth, or knew someone who did.

that's what sisters are for.

-You owned a doll with 'Xavier Roberts' signed on its butt, or knew someone who did.

who? what?

-You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout".

a-yep. he actually graduated from my high school....

-You HAD to have your MTV

no, but i always felt like i should.

-You remember when Kramer was on a show called 'Friday's'


-You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future".

definitely! even if the long-awaited sequels turned out to be the same movie again. i still enjoyed them, too, tho...

-You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name".

yeah, irc! ... well, actually, i've mentioned this elsewhere, but my first chatroom was named "cheers."

-You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool.

NO! not for a microsecond. never knew what people saw in her or those movies.

-You actually thought "Dirty Dancing" was a REALLY good movie.

nope. but my mom does.

-You heard of Garbage Pail Kids.

off the wall paul!!! so disappointed when they lost that court case... i mean, the others were absolutely disgusting, but i loved that one name.

-You knew "The Artist" when he was humbly called "Prince".

i'd heard of him... didn't really get into his music until the early 90s, and even then not much.

-You actually saw Ted Danson as the MacDaddy he played "Sam" to be.

hmm. never thought much about ted danson IRL.

-You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game system.

now this one brings back memories... dad brought it home one day. we all gathered round the TV. he demonstrated. you could MOVE SOMETHING ON THE TV BY PRESSING SOME BUTTONS!!! absolutely mindblowingly cool...

oh, and my sister got (by request) one of those adding machines that does slightly less than my calculator watch and printed out every line for her birthday one year. it was a treasured possession, and clearly very cool. i used to sneak into her room just to look at it (but never press the buttons without permission).

-You own(ed) any 'cassette singles'.


-You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon.

not really.

-You remember And/or own any of the Care Bear Glass
collection from Pizza Hut. Or any other collections they came out with.

i remember the care bears. we didn't go to pizza hut much.

-Poltergeist freaked you out.

nope. learned very early to never watch horror movies. i've got too wild an imagination, and i don't like being scared.

-You carried you lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.

the latter, perhaps. don't recall, actually. might have been matchbox or MASK or something.

-You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female smurf.

nope. i saw the ep where she was made by gargamel. season 3, i think.

-You wore bike shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish, or knew someone who did.

uhm, no.

-You ever had a Swatch Watch.

sister did. my first regularly worn watch was a casio databank calculator watch. i've stuck with 'em ever since. can't wrap my mind around analog watches/clocks with any reasonable speed.

-You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.

ackroyd, belushi... even chevy chase. of course, back then, i wasn't allowed to stay up that late. i found about about all that coolness on reruns.

-You had WonderWoman or Superman underoos.

no. i had "the thing" (big rock guy from the fantastic four). this turned out to be a problem. i was young enough at the time to see that the thing was clearly only wearing underwear and to realize that if that's what superheroes did, then that's what i wanted to do.... somehow, my parents failed to make the connection between that underwear and the difficulty they had getting me dressed until i pointed it out years later.

-You know what a "Whammee" is.

yes! and it's back, on game show network... reruns and a crappy remake. "nowhammynowhammynowhammy... and STOP!" - very handy phrase, every once in a while.

-You ever equated your coolness with the amount of snap bracelets in your collection.

uhm, no.

-You ever wanted to change your name to "Debbie" or

i'll just reassure everyone on this... no. laugh


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.