The ironic thing is that this child of the '80's actually recognises very few of these. We need a UK version.
You know, I was actually thinking about this as I was posting. I was wondering how many of these awful trends made it across the ocean.

Not that they were all were awful. All the fashion was laughable (though I admit to all of it). I still love Cabbage Patch Kids though, and my lunch box wasn't ET, it was New Kids on the Block. <G>

And Care Bears will always hold a special place in my heart. I was a pretty sick kid and was in and out of the hospital a lot until I was 5 or 6. I had a tumor removed from my nose when I was five, and it was a pretty scary experience. My doctors (including my aptly named anesthesiologist, Dr. Sandman) were wonderful. They let me hold my care bear until I was out, and when I awoke, he was wearing a matching bandage on his nose.

And I too love nostagia and am addicted to the "I Love the" series. I want to buy the '80s when it comes out on DVD. It cracks me up.


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