Originally posted by Nora Helmer:
So, an arc that not only has Lex Luthor, Lois rejecting Clark (more than once), Clark allowing her to go off with Lex, and Deter is just torture, pure and simple. And then to follow it with the high school reunion and then the NK arc, I feel as if I had been put through the wringer as a fan.
Yeah, it's a rough stretch, no doubt. I haven’t watched the ARGH episodes all the way through since I got my DVDs years ago, although I do end up rewatching certain scenes when I am vidding. I will say that Shea did very good work in that one scene in “Seconds” where he is facing down Clark with that crazy weapon. There’s a lot of drama there, with Lex knowing Clark’s true identity and facing him on that level, all the while displaying how much he hates Superman in forcing Clark to beg for the lives of his parents.

In addition to all that was wrong with Dr. Deter, it was also kind of nuts to add yet another man who was “in love” with Lois to the mix. I mean, she’s an awesome woman, yes, but Clark, Lex and this guy all falling at her feet? It just kind of reduced Lois to the “damsel in distress” whom everyone had to fight over. I felt as if she kind of lost her agency.
Well, she does get hypnotized into going with Deter, so essentially she does loose her agency.

If they had ended things with Lois really remembering at the end of "Forget me Not" and realizing she loves Clark, than I would have been OK with it. While I love the whole Lois punching Deter scene at the end of "Edipus Wrecks", I really think it would have been a lot better if Lois had remembered she loved Clark. Either that, or they should have included the trial and sentencing of Deter at some point for manipulating his patients. At least shown him working some menial job at some point in Season 4 showing he had been kicked out of the profession for his unethical behavior.

John Pack Lambert