This episode actually touched on something that I’d thought about in some other episodes. From time to time, Lois and Clark did have a habit of getting too close when Clark was in his Superman costume. It was only a matter of time before somebody realized there was a romantic relationship between Lois and Superman. Or, even worse, somebody could have deduced that Clark was Superman based on his closeness to Lois.

One of the things that I liked about this episode is that they showed the more evil side to journalism. Since Lois and Clark are the heroes of the show, it’s easy to forget that not all journalism is based on the ethics that they followed throughout the series. Sadly, tabloids frequently treat public figures in the same way that Lois and Superman were treated here.

This episode also touched on just how important it was for Superman to maintain his image. People needed to see Superman as infallible in order for him to do some of the things he did. We saw the consequences of people losing some respect for Superman in this episode.