Originally posted by LabRat:
I think the engagement was too soon. They had only one or two dates before the proposal. I would have liked more dating before the engagement. They could have dragged it out for one whole season and I'm sure the fans would have loved it.
Agreed. This was my main frustration with the show - that the dating period was over too quickly. Not that that can't happen - clearly it can. But it would have been much more enjoyable to watch, for this viewer at least, had they spent longer on that period in their relationship.
That would've been nice to prolong the dating part. But I'm not sure they could've managed it. Clark having to disappear as Superman at inopportune times would've made it difficult for Lois to trust him and grow closer to him. She was already frustrated by his disapperances, thinking it meant he couldn't be serious about her. She was ready to move on to someone else (though why Dan - I couldn't stand him. razz ).

I was also surprised by Clark's sudden marriage proposal. But...it's a huge Catch-22. He doesn't want to tell his secret unless he's sure she wants to be with him. But by not telling his secret, he pushes her away with his 'absenses' so they can never 'get serious'.

All I can think of is that Clark knew absolutely that he loved Lois. They've both worked closely and had the opportunity to get to know each other. Dating was merely a formality - suddenly looking at each other (or in this case, mostly Lois with Clark) in a different light. They didn't need to do some of the things dating couples do, since they already knew each other well.

And, yes, Mike the Angel was ridiculous and a huge turnoff. :rolleyes:
Isn't that the truth?

The frustrating thing about the NK arc, for me, was that Clark came back way too soon. All that drama, all that trauma and then five minutes into the new season it's all over. Bleah.

I'd have liked to have seen it play out over the first couple of episodes before they were reunited. Having him turn round and head back to earth almost instantly completely negated all that suffering in the season 3 finale and made it a bit pointless.
Excellent point! They could've gotten a lot more mileage out of that plot line.
