I haven't read the Heinlein book either, but I'm going to hypothesize that the group marriage involved both men and women, so that in this hypothetical scenario Lois would have easy access to multiple partners, too. She would not be , uh, bored when Clark was elsewhere occupied. smile

But the thing is, doesn't group marriage presuppose a mind-set that excludes the one man-one woman love bond? In fact, such a way of thinking would undermine the group. I'm supposing that these men (and women) on the moon were conditioned to believe that way from infancy. So Clark, with his newly acquired and strange earthling notion of love would then become a destabilsing force in the group, wouldn't he? Besides, if he had 'fallen in love' in the Earthling sense why would he then contradict that position by bringing Lois back to his group? (and why would she even accept in the first place???) Wouldn't that action make him dishonest, a hypocrite, not to mention a betrayer of the woman he loved? Which makes him 'out of character' for Clark Kent/Superman.

But... on the other hand...

What if the moon really is made of green cheese?? Does that then change everything, values, morals etc?? Are these moon men part cheese -- cheesecake rather than beefcake?? laugh
