Originally posted by carolm:
#3 is Edwin.

Not a clue on #1 so...

First half or second of S1?
Does he know Lex?
Involved in a romantic relationship of any kind?

[Another random question: When we get to people played by more than one actor - like Sam/Ellen Lane - which one do you use when answering physical questions? For instance, the second Sam is like 6'4" but the first one wasn't [I don't think, can't find his stats...]]
Q1 yes, Edwin Griffin is #3. (Sorry Classicalla, but just doesn't seem fair two guess more that one person for the same number. And I am not singling you out. SmileyD did the same thing.)
Q2 First half of Season 1.
Q3 Not personally, only as the head of the company.
Q4 He has an onscreen wife.
RQ I the case of multiple actors, I would use the one used most often or the last one used. Like Justin Whalen was Jimmy longer than the season 1 actor. I'd use the actors for Sam/Ellen from the last seasons, etc...

Originally posted by Elisabeth:

1) Does #1 work for Lex Labs? Star Labs?

2) Does #1 appear in more than one episode?

3) Do any of the remaining characters appear in lots of fanfic? (For example, Henderson appears in lots of fanfic regardless of when the story is based, but Dr. Fabian Leak only appears in a few episode adaptations.)

4) Do the remaining science guys have medical backgrounds?
Q1 Lex Labs
Q2 No.
Q3 Only 12 stories contain references on the FanFic Archive.
Q4 #1 doesn't have a medical background.

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!