Doesn't work at the Planet.
Least likely to be addicted to Reality TV.
Worked for LexCorp.
Good Student.
Not Jaxon.
Season 1

2 Constance Hunter (CoolGirl)

Is an associate of a big time criminal.
Doesn't work at the Planet.
A Criminal.
Maybe imprisoned.
Strained relationship with sanity.
Good Student, maybe.
Scientist, maybe.
Season 2
Not Derek Camden

4 Jack (Classicalla)

5 Katie Banks (Elisabeth)

6 Mayson Drake (CoolGirl)

7 Nell Newtrich (CoolGirl)

A Criminal.
Would be leader of the remaining bad 'guys'
Seen eating in the show.
Not native to New Troy.
Not Mindy Church.
Season 3
Not Mindy Church.
Not nearly as beautiful as Elisabeth (see I learn my lesssons...), but definitely a looker.
We don't see #8 directly kill anyone, but given her background, she wouldn't have any problem killing in cold blood.
Not Amber Lake.
Government type.
Could afford Superman at an auction.

9 Tempus (datchickukindaknow)

10 Wanda Detroit (CarolM)

None are big time criminals to the general LnC Public.
None have been struck by lightening.
None LIKE superman.
None are clones.
NOne were Characters of LnC's past.
Of the remaining...
None were romantically interested in either Lois or Clark.
No Kryptonians.
None were friends of Perry.
None are politicians
No military types.
never met each other.
no law degrees.
No known siblings

“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!