For all those who like to spell Jonathan Kent's name with to o's, I'm going to keep insisting that his name is Jonathan!

Kent Farm - official database

Superman info - please note this:

Kal-El's spaceship crash landed in a farmer's field near Smallville, a rural town in Kansas in the American midwest. The small spacecraft was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who owned a farm nearby.
Superman homepage - lists birthday of actor who played Jonathan Kent on Smallville (April 8)

This is from Wikipedia:

Jor-El is frequently contrasted with Jonathan Kent (John Schneider), Clark's adoptive father, who takes a diametric opinion on what Clark's destiny is, and what is best for him.
There are many other sites you may check out as well, for example sites which list the casts of LnC, Smallville and Superman the Movie.

I'm not kidding you! Clark's dad's name is Jonathan! Spelled with two a's!!!
